Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Today I had my follow up appointment and guess what?! NO BACTERIA yessss! Now I'm doing well and you know what I haven't burped up that ulgy taste in about 3 days *knock on wood* I think I figured out the prenatal vitamins I took it and about 5 minutes later I burped up and it finally clicked, its the vitamins!

So I have been going to work this past week and am doing quite well I mean I still get nauseous but its not as bad as it was before.

Well anyways, back to the appointment the ultrasound machine wasn't working very well today it actually kept messing up so the doctor wasn't able to do any measurements or print pictures but thank God I had my camera phone with me so I snapped two pictures and a video of the baby's heartbeat♥

I will be going back in a month for my next visit unless I have any problems and lets hope I don't! It's just sad to think I have to wait a whole month again to see the baby! =[