Sunday, November 15, 2009


Whoo! We recently purchased the Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder and boy was it a hit! Mannix ate half a banana the first time he used it. I'll say so far this is the best $4.00 I've spent on him haha. He also tried grapes yesterday and he LOVED them, he just sucked all the juice out :o) We used it again today and he ate a whole banana for dinner. The only complaint I have is that the banana gets stuck in the netting which I find hard to clean. I've read that people use a bottle cleaner to get the residue out but it didn't work for me. It easily took me 10 plus minutes to clean all of the banana out.

Mannix had his first dental visit on Wednesday and it went super! I couldn't have asked for a better baby. He didn't cry or whine he LOVED when the Hygienist brushed his little teeth. He even got to keep his very first toothbrush and would not let it go. He fell asleep clenching it in his little hand :)

I've been trying to get back into crafting since its been over a year. My sister Angela and I agreed to trade handmade Christmas gifts this year for our boys. It has been so fun to make little monsters out of felt for them! I really missed being creative. I have to thank her for making me really interested in amigurumi :) I want to learn how to crochet now.

november 13 banana

november 10 first dental visit
november 9 tooth shot :)
felt monsters


tia said...

he is so absolutely adorable- his cheeks are very kiss squishy worthy. <3