Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Growing Baby

[september 23]

Everything is definitely changing around here. Mannix is no longer a newborn, he is an infant! He is starting to do things on his grab his pacifier and put it in his mouth, he started grabbing his feet on the 11th and one of the biggest accomplishments so far is he started rolling over! This past Sunday (the 20th) Mannix was trying and trying to roll over but couldn't I have been practicing the movements with him for weeks now and so I showed him how to roll over and laid him on his back again and bam! he did it! :D And you know what? I caught it on video!
Im soo loving this stage of life for him its so amazing to see him grow and grow everyday!

We recently started Mannix on stage 1 baby I know that some people are going to hassle me about it but the Pediatrician. said I could start him and honestly, I think he was ready for it. I hate feeling bad every time I eat he is just staring at me with his mouth open! How could you tell me that he isn't ready? Everybody has their own opinion on what is right for their child, and I know I'm doing the right thing.

Im loving the gDiapers as well! Cloth diapering is so fun and cute, I wish everyone did it. It is complicated and a hassle since our apartment doesn't have washer/dryer connections. We have to go to Isidro's parents house to wash all the time..not that its a bad thing! lol Its just that it would be easier if we had our own you know? So far we have only had 2 accidents and that was because I didn't fit the diaper right on the legs.

Halloween is coming up next month! Whoo I can't wait to see which costume I decide on for Mannix! :)
september 13 "new trick"
september 15 i got what on my face?
september 16 striped G
september 17 fishy
september 21 my gBaby