Monday, June 22, 2009

Just Say NO.

Because I can't imagine my son strapped to this.

Today was a real big eye opener for me, I almost made the biggest mistake of my life. Mannix is scheduled for a circumcision tomorrow and he will not be attending! I was so blinded by society's view on what is "normal" and thought that circumcision was the "best" for my son. I was made to belive that it was "healthier" and "cleaner" for him. It was all wrong!

I'm so glad that my mother gave me the guilt trip that she did..if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have read up on it and discovered the truth. I thought that it would benefit his health, and be an in and out procedure with no pain untill I saw a video about it. I didn't know that my son would be strapped down..or feel pain. I didn't know that nurses lie to you about him screaming and crying. I didn't know anything.

I'm so glad that we had to wait this long to actually have it done. Otherwise I would have taken away a part of Mannix that could never be replaced. Im so glad that I now know the facts of circumcision and the cruelty and greed that is behind it.

How selfish could I be? I was thinking "I hope I don't have to be in the room..I don't want to see him cry" Not even thinking about how he was going to much pain and torture he would go through. How selfish! Thank you mom for making me think twice. Thank you for helping me make the best decision I could have for my son.
Tomorrow my son will NOT be strapped down.


Caroline said...

I'm so happy for you. Thank you for sharing your experience so that others might know. You have much support out there.

Unknown said...

Thank You, You made my day (and your son's)

Super Ninja Mommy said...

That's fantastic news! Congrats for making what can be a culturally difficult decision, and congrats to your son for being able to keep all of his parts n pieces!

Gregor said...

Fantastic! More parents need to be like you!

Rational Thinker said...

Remember that the foreskin of an infant is naturally fused to the glans penis (the head of the penis) when a boy is young. It will naturally detach and become fully retractable on its own, usually by age 5-8 years old, but sometimes as late as late adolescence.

Forcible retraction is the reason for most of the problems wrongly blamed on the foreskin: it rips the initial fusion and, causing an open wound that can lead to infections. Worse, the wound may heal unnaturally strongly to the glans penis or may cause scarring that reduces the foreskin's elasticity, resulting in genuine phimosis later in life.

ALWAYS be sure to tell your pediatrician not to retract the foreskin of your boy forcibly, as many doctors (particularly older American doctors) are still ignorant of this basic physiology; you may feel silly 'instructing' a physician, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

That being said, it's impossible to forcibly retract the foreskin by accident; your son will definitely let everyone know not to proceed (it is the painful initial step to circumcision, after all), so don't worry about making a mistake yourself---just worry about other, ignorant people.

Rational Thinker said...

I should add that the mantra is: "Clean what can be seen".

There is no need to meddle unnecessarily with your son's genitalia; just clean the outside gently as you instinctively know to do---nature made reproduction as automatic as possible, and the fusion between the glans penis and the foreskin keeps everything on the inside nice and clean.

Be sure to find a pediatrician who is "foreskin-friendly" (it sounds ridiculous, but then again, our culture is ridiculous).

Liebe Lebenskunst said...

Good good choice. None of my boys are was never an option for me. God put it there for a reason. I always thought of it like taking off healthy boobs of women just because they maybe develop breast cancer later. Just doesn't make sense. Plus circumcision is really uncommon in Germany and that also influenced me, I guess.

Ah Amanda....all I can say is, this is just one out of a million of issues people lie to us about for their money making purposes. It is INSANE what is done to us and our kids. All you can do is EDUCATE, EDUCATE and EDUCATE yourself and don't trust anything without research firs. I will give you 2 more important things to check BPA (which is in your son's future sippy cups and plastic dishes) and do some research on Sodium Lauryl Sulfate which is commonly in all of yours and your baby's soap/ shampoo products...NASTY NASTY stuff....

Renee' B. said...

ARE YOU SERIOUS?? They strap DOWN an infant to that?! Thank God I didn't do it to Ezekiel! That's HORRIFIC! Yay Amanda! She said no!